1. Definitionen

1.1. Verkäufer – die juristische Person, die in der Bestellung von Waren, die auf der Website www.get4u.eu verkauft werden, in Übereinstimmung mit diesen Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen angegeben ist und die für die Erfüllung der vom Käufer aufgegebenen Bestellung verantwortlich ist. Die Daten des Verkäufers, mit dem der Kaufvertrag geschlossen wird, sind in der Bestellung angegeben.

1.2. www.get4u.eu – die Website unter www.get4u.eu, über die die Waren des Verkäufers verkauft werden und die von der privaten juristischen Person KILPKONN OÜ, Registrierungsnummer 17001742, Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer EE102765201, registriert in Laane – Viru maakond, Tapa vald, Vajangu kula, Kirde tn 1-5, Vajangu, 46002, Estland (im Folgenden als Get4U.eu bezeichnet) verwaltet wird.

1.3. Käufer – 1) eine geschäftsfähige natürliche Person, d.h. eine Person, die das Alter der Volljährigkeit erreicht hat und deren Geschäftsfähigkeit nicht durch ein Gericht eingeschränkt ist; 2) ein Minderjähriger zwischen fünfzehn und achtzehn Jahren, der die Zustimmung seiner Eltern oder seines Vormunds hat; 3) eine juristische Person.

1.4. Parteien – gemeinsam, der Käufer und der Verkäufer.

1.5. Personenbezogene Daten – alle Informationen, die sich auf eine identifizierte oder identifizierbare natürliche Person (betroffene Person) beziehen; als identifizierbar wird eine natürliche Person angesehen, die direkt oder indirekt identifiziert werden kann, insbesondere durch Zuordnung zu einer Kennung wie einem Namen, zu einer Kennnummer, zu Standortdaten oder zu einer Online-Kennung oder durch Zuordnung zu einem oder mehreren besonderen Merkmalen, die Ausdruck der physischen, physiologischen, genetischen, psychischen, wirtschaftlichen, kulturellen oder sozialen Identität dieser natürlichen Person sind.

1.6. Bedingungen – diese “Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für den Verkauf im Get4U.eu-Onlineshop”, die für jeden Kauf des Käufers auf Get4U.eu und für jeden zwischen dem Käufer und dem Verkäufer geschlossenen Kaufvertrag gelten.

1.7. Konto – das Ergebnis der Registrierung des Käufers auf www.get4u.eu, die auf der Grundlage der Nutzungsbedingungen der Website www.get4u.eu erfolgt, in der ein persönliches Konto (Account) erstellt wird, in dem die persönlichen Daten und die Bestellhistorie des Käufers gespeichert werden.

1.8. Datenschutzrichtlinie – ein von Get4U.eu genehmigtes Dokument, das die Grundregeln für die Erhebung, die Speicherung, die Verarbeitung und den Schutz personenbezogener Daten bei der Nutzung des Online-Shops www.get4u.eu festlegt. Die Datenschutzrichtlinie von Get4U.eu gilt nicht für die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten, wenn diese Verarbeitung durch den Verkäufer erfolgt. Die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten durch den Verkäufer erfolgt auf die vom Verkäufer vorgeschriebene Weise. Vor dem Kauf von Waren und dem Abschluss eines Vertrags mit dem Verkäufer sollte der Käufer die vom Verkäufer angewandten Regeln für die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten sorgfältig prüfen.

1.9. Store – der Online-Store auf der Website www.get4u.eu.

1.10. Vertrag – ein zwischen dem Käufer und dem Verkäufer abgeschlossener Kaufvertrag über die betreffenden Waren, der ab dem Zeitpunkt der Bestellung als abgeschlossen gilt. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass die Bedingungen jedes zwischen dem Käufer und dem Verkäufer geschlossenen Vertrages mit den zum Zeitpunkt der Bestellung geltenden Bedingungen identisch sind, und diese Verträge werden von den Parteien immer gemäß den zum Zeitpunkt der Bestellung geltenden Bedingungen ausgeführt.

1.11. Bestellung – eine Warenbestellung, in der die Waren, die der Käufer vom Verkäufer kaufen möchte, angegeben sind.

2. Allgemeine Bestimmungen

2.1. The Buyer confirms that they have read the Terms by checking the box stating, “I have read and agree with the Terms and Conditions of Sale of goods on the Get4U.eu website.” The Terms approved in this way are a binding legal document for the Parties, establishing the rights and obligations of the Buyer and the Seller, the conditions for the purchase of goods and payment for them, the procedure for delivery and return of goods, the liability of the parties, as well as other conditions related to the purchase of goods on Get4U.eu.

2.2. By creating an account on www.get4u.eu, the Buyer confirms the Terms during the initial registration. After the Buyer has confirmed the Terms during the initial registration (account creation), the Terms apply to all purchases made by the Buyer on www.get4u.eu and to all Contracts concluded with Sellers until the updated Terms are announced on the www.get4u.eu website. After the Terms are updated, they apply from the moment they are announced on the www.get4u.eu website, and the Buyer is informed of the updated Terms in the manner provided for in clause 2.4.

2.3. Only Buyers as described in clause 1.3 of the Terms have the right to make purchases on www.get4u.eu. The Buyer, confirming the Terms and that they have read the Privacy Policy (clause 2.5 of the Terms) as well as the Terms of Use of the www.get4u.eu website, confirms that they have the right to purchase goods on Get4U.eu.

2.4. In the event of changing market conditions or in the presence of circumstances provided for in the legal acts of the Republic of Estonia, Get4U.eu has the right to change, correct, and supplement the Terms. Buyers will be informed about this when logging into the Account or when forming the shopping cart. However, in all cases, after the update of the Terms, the Buyer may place an order only if they have read and confirmed the new edition of the Terms.

2.5. The Buyer is required to review the Privacy Policy, approved and publicly announced on the www.get4u.eu website. The Buyer’s Personal Data will also be transferred to the Seller from whom the Buyer purchases goods, and the processing of such Personal Data will be carried out in the manner established by the Seller specified in the order and in compliance with the data security obligations assumed under the agreement between Get4U.eu and the Seller.

2.6. If the Seller is provided with the right or obligation to provide the Buyer with information or documents by email, in all cases, the Buyer is responsible for providing the Seller with a valid email address belonging to the Buyer.

3. Bestellung von Waren und Begründung von rechtlichen Verkaufsbeziehungen

3.1. The Buyer can order goods on the website www.get4u.eu by choosing one of the following methods:

3.1.1. Online with registration on www.get4u.eu (entering their registration name and password); 3.1.2. Online without registration on www.get4u.eu.

3.2. When ordering goods by one of the methods specified in clauses 3.1.1-3.1.2 of the Terms, the Buyer must specify their Personal Data in the appropriate information fields presented in the www.get4u.eu system, necessary for the proper fulfillment of the order for goods, the processing of which on www.get4u.eu is carried out in the manner provided for in the Privacy Policy.

3.3. Orders for goods submitted via phone are executed in the manner established by the Terms, and the provisions of the Privacy Policy apply to them. By placing an order, the Buyer agrees to the Terms and their application.

3.4. When the Buyer, having selected the goods or service to be purchased and formed the shopping cart, performs all order steps, the last of which is the choice and confirmation of the payment method, it is considered that legal sales relations have arisen between the Seller and the Buyer and that a Sales Contract has been concluded. The Buyer is informed of the order confirmation by a notification sent to the email address specified by the Buyer. The Seller sends the Buyer a link to the current Terms together with the order confirmation to the email address specified by the Buyer.

3.5. Instructions for the goods ordered by the Buyer in the Estonian language are provided no later than at the time of delivery of the goods to the email address specified by the Buyer. All significant information about the goods and their properties is provided in the Seller’s product description on www.get4u.eu.

3.6. Each Buyer’s order is stored on the www.get4u.eu website and in the Seller’s database in the manner provided for in the Privacy Policy.

4. Rechte des Käufers

4.1. The Buyer has the right to purchase goods and order services on www.get4u.eu in the manner prescribed by these Terms.

4.2. The Buyer has the right to cancel the order in the manner prescribed by these Terms.

4.3. The Buyer has the right to withdraw from the Contract in the manner prescribed by these Terms.

4.4. The Buyer has the right to exchange or return purchased goods in the manner prescribed by these Terms.

4.5. The Buyer has other rights contained in these Terms, the Privacy Policy, the Terms of Use of the www.get4u.euwebsite, and the legal acts of the Republic of Estonia.

5. Verpflichtungen des Käufers

5.1. The Buyer, using www.get4u.eu, must fulfill their obligations, comply with these Terms, the Privacy Policy, the Terms of Use of the www.get4u.eu website, other conditions clearly indicated on www.get4u.eu, and not violate the provisions of the legal acts of the Republic of Estonia.

5.2. The Buyer must pay for the ordered goods or services and accept them in the manner prescribed by these Terms. If the Buyer chooses the method of receiving goods at delivery locations specified on the www.get4u.eu website, they must collect them within the timeframes specified in the Terms.

6. Rechte des Verkäufers

6.1. The Seller and Get4U.eu have the right, without prior notice to the Buyer, to cancel their order if the Buyer, having chosen the payment methods provided for in clauses 8.2.1 or 8.2.2 of the Terms, does not pay for the goods within 3 (three) business days.

6.2. When the Buyer chooses the payment method provided for in clause 8.2.2 of the Terms, the Seller, in case of uncertainties regarding the information provided in the order, has the right to contact the Buyer through Get4U.eu using the contact details specified in the order. The calculation of the delivery period for goods, in this case, begins from the moment contact is established with the Buyer. The Buyer’s order may be canceled without prior notice if: (i) the Seller fails to contact the Buyer within 2 (two) business days after submitting the order, or (ii) the Buyer does not provide the Seller with the requested information within the period specified by the Seller, or (iii) the Buyer does not provide the Seller with consent to process their Personal Data.

7. Verpflichtungen des Verkäufers

7.1. The Seller undertakes to fulfill the Buyer’s orders in the manner established in these Terms, to communicate with the Buyer through the Get4U.eu tools (if the order was submitted in the manner provided for in clause 3.1.1) or via the contact details specified by the Buyer (if the order was submitted in the manner provided for in clauses 3.1.2).

7.2. The Seller undertakes to provide the Buyer with clear and understandable information in the www.get4u.eu system as provided by the legislation of the Republic of Estonia.

7.3. The Seller and Get4U.eu undertake to respect the privacy of the Buyer, process the Buyer’s Personal Data only in the manner established by these Terms, the Privacy Policy, the Terms of Use of www.get4u.eu, and the legal acts of the Republic of Estonia and the European Union.

7.4. Get4U.eu undertakes to inform the Buyer about the suspension or termination of the functions of www.get4u.eubefore providing the order. Information provided in the Account on www.get4u.eu or on the www.get4u.eu website is considered proper notification. When the Buyer’s order has already been accepted for fulfillment, the Buyer is informed about the suspension or termination of the functions of www.get4u.eu, significant for order fulfillment, through one of the contact details specified by the Buyer (by email).

7.5. Following the conditions stipulated by the Terms, the Seller undertakes to provide the goods ordered by the Buyer and accept the goods returned by the Buyer.

7.6. In exceptional cases, due to objectively justified circumstances that the Seller could not foresee and control in advance, the delivery of goods may be delayed or become impossible. In this case, Get4U.eu undertakes to contact the Buyer promptly regarding the possibilities of further fulfillment of the order. Get4U.eu may offer the Buyer a similar or equivalent product sold by another Seller, informing them through one of the contact details specified by the Buyer (by email). If the Buyer does not agree for the product of a specific Seller to be replaced with a similar or equivalent product of another Seller, the Seller who cannot deliver the product chosen by the Buyer undertakes to refund the Buyer the money paid by them immediately but no later than within 5 business days if advance payment was made, and in all cases to cancel the order.

7.7. If within 3 (three) business days from the offer being made, the Buyer confirms through one of the contacts specified on the www.get4u.eu website that they agree for the product to be replaced with a product sold by another Seller, the initial Seller undertakes to refund the Buyer the amount paid by them for the product that the initial Seller cannot deliver and to compensate the price difference.

7.8. If the Seller disagrees with the Buyer’s claims, the Seller must provide the Buyer with a comprehensive, motivated written response no later than 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the date of receipt of the Buyer’s request, unless otherwise provided by the legal acts of the Republic of Estonia and the European Union.

7.9. The Seller undertakes to fulfill other obligations imposed on the Seller by the Terms and the legal acts of the Republic of Estonia.

8. Preise der Waren, Zahlungsverfahren und -bedingungen

8.1. Prices for goods on www.get4u.eu are indicated in euros, including VAT, applicable at the time, as well as other taxes, if any are applied.

8.2. The Buyer may pay for the ordered goods by the following method:

8.2.1. Bank transfer.

8.3. When the Seller receives payment for the goods, or when confirmation of financing the purchase is received (if such a payment method is applied, and if the Buyer has chosen the payment method provided for in clause 8.2.1 of the Terms), the order for the goods is confirmed.

8.4. By confirming the Terms, the Buyer agrees that the documents for the purchase of goods – VAT invoices, which are also warranty documents applicable to the goods, may be provided to them physically along with the goods or electronically to the email address specified in the Buyer’s registration/order form immediately after the order is fulfilled. VAT invoices specify the Seller’s details, selected goods, their quantity, discounts provided, the final price of the goods, including all taxes, and other necessary data approved by the legal acts governing accounting.

8.5. VAT invoices for goods purchased by the Buyer may also be placed in the Buyer’s Account on www.get4u.eu in the “My Account” section. After the Buyer places an order, in the “My Account” section, the Buyer will be able to view and print the order sheet – a prepayment invoice.

8.6. The price of goods after the Seller has confirmed the order may change only in exceptional cases due to objective significant reasons beyond the Seller’s control (with evidence confirming these reasons). If the reasons for the price change are justified and in such a case the Buyer does not agree to purchase the goods at the new price, the Buyer may cancel the order by notifying the Seller through www.get4u.eu within 2 (two) business days via the contacts specified on the e-commerce website www.get4u.eu. In the case of order cancellation in the manner provided for in this clause, the Seller undertakes to refund the Buyer all amounts paid by them for such a canceled order. The justification of the reasons for the price change is assessed on a case-by-case basis.

8.7. If the Buyer places goods from different Sellers in the shopping cart, the Buyer’s shopping cart may be divided, and separate orders are formed for the purchase of goods from each Seller, i.e., the Buyer concludes a separate Contract with each Seller. In case of such division, the price of additional services attributable to a specific order (e.g., delivery, carrying of goods, etc.) is proportionally divided into separate orders. Thus, the fulfillment of each separate order and the additional services attributed to the order are accordingly divided into separate orders, so the price may differ from the price of services indicated in the description of a specific product.

8.8. If the order amount is less than the specified amount, www.get4u.eu has the right to apply an additional administrative fee. The fee amount and the minimum shopping cart amount are indicated when placing the order.

9. Lieferung von Waren

9.1. When ordering goods, the Buyer can choose one of the delivery methods for goods specified in the specific product offer sold by the Seller.

9.2. If the Buyer selects the home delivery service for goods during the order:

9.2.1. The Buyer undertakes to specify the exact place of delivery of the goods. 9.2.2. The Buyer must accept the goods personally. Upon receipt of the goods, it is necessary to present a valid identity document (personal identification card, passport, or new-format driver’s license). If the Buyer does not personally accept the goods but the goods are delivered to the address specified by the Buyer, the Seller has the right to deliver the goods to another person at the address specified by the Buyer, and the Buyer does not have the right to make claims to the Seller regarding the delivery of goods to an inappropriate person. 9.2.3. The goods are delivered by the Seller or its authorized representative. 9.2.4. The fee for the home delivery service does not include carrying the ordered goods inside.

9.3. If the Buyer selects to receive goods at delivery points specified on the www.get4u.eu website during the order, the Buyer must collect the goods in accordance with the conditions established by these service providers, about which the Buyer is informed by third parties (partners of Get4U.eu) using electronic means during order fulfillment.

9.4. [Removed]

9.5. In exceptional cases, delivery of goods may be delayed due to unforeseen circumstances beyond the Seller’s control, which the Seller could not reasonably foresee at the time of concluding the sales contract. In such a case, the Seller undertakes to contact the Buyer promptly to agree on new delivery terms and other conditions.

9.6. The Seller is exempt from liability for breach of delivery terms if the goods are not delivered to the Buyer or are delivered late due to the fault of third parties not related to the Seller and/or beyond the Seller’s control, or due to circumstances dependent on the Buyer.

9.7. During the delivery of goods to the Buyer, the Buyer must, together with the courier or its authorized representative, check the condition of the parcel and the goods and sign the parcel handover document. After the Buyer signs the parcel handover document, the goods are considered delivered in proper condition, without damages, which are not related to factory defects, and that there are no discrepancies in the packaging of the goods (those that can be detected during an external inspection of the goods). If the Buyer notices that the packaging of the goods is damaged (dented, wet, or otherwise externally damaged), the goods are damaged and/or the goods have inappropriate packaging, the Buyer must note this in the parcel handover document and, with the courier’s participation, draw up a damage/discrepancy act for the parcel and/or goods in free form. If the Buyer has not performed these actions, the Seller is exempt from liability for damages to goods if the basis for such damages is not a factory defect, as well as for discrepancies in the packaging of goods, only if such discrepancies can be detected during an external inspection of the goods.

9.8. The risk of accidental loss of goods or their damage passes to the Buyer from the moment the goods are transferred to the Buyer.

9.9. If, based on clauses 9.2–9.3 of the Terms, the Buyer does not collect the goods within the established period or it is not possible to deliver them to the Buyer, and the Buyer has paid for the goods and their delivery, representatives contact the Buyer regarding another time and/or delivery method for the goods. If the Buyer still does not collect the goods or it is not possible to deliver them, such goods are returned to the Seller, the order is canceled, and the money paid by the Buyer for the goods is refunded, minus any applicable bank charges to the Seller for performed bank transfers and the delivery fee if it was applied.

9.10. If, based on clauses 9.2-9.3 of the Terms, the Buyer does not collect the goods within the established period or it is not possible to deliver them to the Buyer, and the Buyer has not paid for the goods, such goods are returned to the Seller, and the order is canceled.

10. Produktqualitätsgarantie und Verfallsdatum für die Verwendung

10.1. The properties of each product sold by the Seller on www.get4u.eu are indicated in the product description attached to each product.

10.2. Goods offered by the Seller for purchase are of proper quality. A product complies with the consumer sales contract if:

10.2.1. The product matches the description provided by the Seller and has the same properties as the product that the Seller provided as a sample or model when advertising the product on www.get4u.eu; 10.2.2. The product is suitable for use for which goods of this type are usually used; 10.2.3. The product meets the quality criteria normally expected for goods of the same kind and that the Buyer can reasonably expect according to the nature of the goods and publicly made statements by the manufacturer, its representative, or the seller, including advertising and labeling of goods regarding specific properties of the goods.

10.3. Neither the Seller nor Get4U.eu is responsible for the fact that the goods sold by the Seller on www.get4u.eu may not match the real size, shape, shade, or other parameters of the goods due to the features of the Buyer’s device screen or other technical reasons beyond the Seller’s control. Product photos are intended for illustration purposes only and are approximate. Shades, inscriptions, parameters, dimensions, functions, and/or any other properties may look different than in reality due to their visual features, so we ask you to rely on the properties of the goods indicated in the product descriptions. The Buyer is advised to read the product description carefully.

10.4. The Seller provides a quality guarantee for different types of goods, valid for a certain period, the specific term and other conditions of which are indicated in the descriptions of such goods or together with the VAT invoice for the goods, which corresponds to the warranty certificate.

10.5. The quality guarantee provided by the Seller does not limit or infringe upon the rights of consumers, which in the case of purchasing goods or services of improper quality, are established by legal acts.

10.6. The Seller does not provide warranty services for goods (except for simple checks of goods operation that do not require special knowledge):

10.6.1. If the center(s) providing warranty service is (are) located outside the Republic of Estonia, the Seller arranges for the shipment of the Goods to such center(s); 10.6.2. If the center(s) providing warranty service is (are) located within the Republic of Estonia, the Buyer is directed to such center(s).

10.7. If the Buyer wishes to use the quality guarantee for the purchased carrier, they are individually responsible for the preservation of their personal information contained on it, i.e., the guarantee does not apply to the information contained on carriers. Data on equipment provided for repair is usually deleted unless the Buyer requests to preserve the data and it is technically possible to do so. The possibility of preserving the information contained on the carrier is agreed upon separately between the Buyer and the Seller in each specific case.

10.8. In cases where a specific period of usability is established for certain goods based on legal acts, the Seller undertakes to sell such goods to the Buyer in such a way that the Buyer has a real opportunity to use such goods before the expiry date.

10.9. Information related to warranty conditions for individual types of goods is provided here.

11. Recht auf Rücktritt vom Kaufvertrag und Rücksendung von Waren in einwandfreier Qualität

11.1. The right to withdraw from the sales contract when purchasing goods on the www.get4u.eu website:

11.1.1. The Buyer, without specifying a reason, has the right to withdraw from the concluded remote sales contract within 14 (fourteen) days by notifying the Seller or Get4U.eu in the manner provided for in these Terms. Please note that the Buyer cannot exercise this right if they have concluded one of the contracts specified in § 47 paragraph 3 of the Law of Obligations of the Republic of Estonia regarding: Goods made according to the Buyer’s requirements or clearly adapted to the needs of the specific Buyer; Goods that deteriorate quickly or have a short expiry date; If packaged goods are unsuitable for return for reasons of health protection or hygiene and have been unsealed after delivery (e.g., protective masks, shields, etc.); Goods that, after delivery, due to their nature, become inseparably mixed with other items; Alcoholic beverages, the price of which is set at the time of concluding the sales contract, and they can only be delivered after 30 days, and the actual value of the beverages depends on market price fluctuations that the seller cannot influence; Goods purchased based on contracts under which the Buyer has submitted a specific request to the Seller regarding a visit for urgent repair or inspection. If, in this case, the entrepreneur provides more additional services than the Buyer specifically indicated or sells more additional goods than are necessary to carry out repair work or inspection, the right to withdraw from the contract applies to such additional services or goods; Packaged video or audio recordings or computer software in sealed packaging if the packaging has been unsealed by the Buyer; Newspapers, periodicals, or magazines, except for subscription contracts for such publications; Provided digital content that is not delivered on a physical data carrier if the supply began before the expiration of the withdrawal period with the prior express consent of the Buyer and if they acknowledged that in this connection they lose the right to withdraw from the contract; Regarding services that have been fully provided to the Buyer, if before the provision of services there was the Buyer’s consent and acknowledgment that they will lose the right to withdraw from the contract when the Seller fully fulfills the contract.

11.2. Additional money-back guarantee provided by the Seller Get4U.eu:

11.2.1. The additional money-back guarantee provided by the Seller Get4U.eu applies only to goods purchased from the Seller by registered users using the registered account on www.get4u.eu.

11.2.2. After the 14 (fourteen) days have passed, but before the 30 (thirty) days have expired from the day of delivery or receipt of the goods, the Buyer has the right to use the additional money-back guarantee provided by the Seller Get4U.eu if all returned goods have authentic labels, protective bags, and are in the original packaging, the single-use packaging of goods is not damaged, i.e., the goods have not lost the appearance in which they were sold. Regarding the Buyer participating in certain loyalty programs providing more favorable conditions of the additional money-back guarantee, the provisions of such loyalty programs apply. The Seller has the right to indicate the term of the additional money-back guarantee in the specific description of the product presented on www.get4u.eu. In all cases, the additional money-back guarantee (if it is applied by the Seller to a specific product) will be implemented mutatis mutandis, adhering to the provisions of clauses 11.2.2-11.2.5, 11.7 of the Terms.

11.2.3. If the notification is provided within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the date of delivery of the goods to the Buyer, the provisions of clause 11.1 of the Terms apply.

11.2.4. In all cases, the goods must be returned to the Seller Get4U.eu before the expiry of such a guarantee, calculated from the date of delivery or receipt of the goods.

11.2.5. The additional money-back guarantee provided by the Seller is not available if the following goods are ordered: Gift vouchers; Packaged goods that were unsealed after delivery and are unsuitable for return for reasons of health protection or hygiene; Goods in the category “For children and infants”; Goods in the category “Food products”; Goods manufactured to the Buyer’s individual order or clearly adapted to them, or which by their nature cannot be returned after being provided to the Buyer due to the loss of their commodity properties, are perishable, or their expiration date has expired; Goods in category N-18; Goods in the category “Clothing, footwear, accessories”; Goods in the category “Gifts, festive attributes, flowers”; Goods in the category “Protective, disinfectants, medical goods”; Goods in the category “Pet products.”

11.3. Having exercised the rights enshrined in clause 11.1 of the Terms, the Buyer is refunded: the cost of the goods, the administrative fee, if applied, and the cost of delivering the goods (the cost of returning the goods is not refunded).

11.4. If the Buyer has purchased a set of goods on the www.get4u.eu website, they must return the entire set of goods to the Seller, i.e., the Buyer can exercise the rights provided for in the return of goods only in relation to all goods contained in the set.

11.5. If the Buyer has chosen a different delivery method than the cheapest ones offered by the Seller, published here, the difference between the delivery method chosen by the Buyer and the cheapest delivery method to the Buyer is not refunded.

11.6. The Buyer bears all expenses and risks associated with the return of the goods specified in clause 11.2 of the Terms / goods of proper quality. In all cases, the goods must be returned to the Seller Get4U.eu OÜ before the expiry of the period for returning goods of proper quality, calculated from the date of delivery or receipt of the goods.

11.7. The money is refunded to the Buyer within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the moment the Seller receives the Buyer’s notification of their desire to exercise one of the rights provided for in clauses 11.1-11.3 of the Terms, and if the goods have not been returned by the Buyer to the Seller, the period provided for in this clause is calculated from the date of return of the goods to the Seller.

11.8. Having received the goods specified in clause 11.3 of these Terms, the Seller undertakes to replace them only with the same goods of a different shape, size, color, model, or configuration specified by the Buyer. If the Seller does not have suitable goods for replacement, the Seller refunds the money paid by the Buyer for the goods.

12. Verfahren für die Rückgabe und den Austausch von Waren mangelhafter Qualität

12.1. Elimination of defects in sold goods, replacement, and return of defective goods is carried out in the manner established by the Terms, considering the requirements of the legal acts of the Republic of Estonia.

12.2. If the Buyer has purchased a defective product, the Buyer has the right to demand one of the following ways to protect their rights:

12.2.1. That the Seller, free of charge and within a reasonable period, eliminates the defects of the product if the defects can be eliminated; 12.2.2. That the purchase price be appropriately reduced; 12.2.3. That the product be replaced with a similar product of proper quality, except in cases where the defects are insignificant or they arose due to the Buyer’s fault; 12.2.4. Refund the paid price and withdraw from the sales contract if the sale of the product of improper quality is a significant breach of the order.

12.3. If the product does not meet quality requirements, in the first place, the Buyer has the right to demand ensuring the appropriate quality of the product, and if this is not possible, to demand a proportional reduction in the price of the product or to terminate the sales contract unilaterally. To ensure the proper quality of the product, the Buyer has the right to choose: to demand the repair of the product or to demand its replacement, except in cases where the demand cannot be met or the Seller will incur disproportionate expenses compared to the costs of fulfilling another demand, taking into account all circumstances, including:

  • Die Kosten für das Produkt, wenn das Produkt keine Mängel aufweist;
  • Die Bedeutung der Produktfehler (Nichtkonformitäten);
  • ob die Anwendung einer anderen Anforderung dem Käufer Unannehmlichkeiten bereiten wird.

12.4. The Buyer has the right to demand a proportional reduction in the price of the product or the termination of the sales contract only if:

12.4.1. The Seller has not repaired the product or replaced it, or during the repair or replacement of the product, the Seller has not agreed to cover the costs of returning the product or the costs of eliminating and installing the product if the product was properly installed (installed, equipped, or assembled), or the Seller refused to ensure the proper quality of the product; 12.4.2. The product defect appeared even though the Seller tried to ensure the quality of the product; 12.4.3. The product defect is significant; 12.4.4. The Seller has stated or it is obvious from the circumstances that within a reasonable period, they will not ensure the proper quality of the product or this will cause significant inconvenience to the Buyer.

12.5. The Buyer does not have the right to terminate the sales contract if the product defect is insignificant.

12.6. If the Buyer wishes to return goods, the following conditions must be met:

12.6.1. Notify the Seller using the contacts specified in the invoice, or Get4U.eu by email at info@get4u.eu; the notification must specify the goods to be returned; 12.6.2. Provide a document of the purchase of goods and a document confirming the warranty (if issued); 12.6.3. Provide a free-form statement and submit it to the Seller or Get4U.eu.

12.7. The right to return goods of improper quality can be exercised by the Buyer within the warranty period of the product’s quality established in the document of its purchase, which is specified by the Seller from whom the Buyer purchased the goods. When purchasing goods by Consumers, the warranty period for the quality of goods is in all cases at least 2 years from the date of purchase of the goods.

12.8. The Buyer must pay for the costs of delivering the goods and the costs of returning the goods. If the goods are returned due to poor quality, the Seller refunds the Buyer for the delivery and return costs incurred by them. Information on the methods of returning goods of poor quality can be found here.

12.9. The refund to the Buyer is made immediately, but no later than within 5 business days after the Seller receives the Buyer’s notification about the goods of improper quality, and if the goods have not been returned by the Buyer to the Seller within the periods provided for in this clause, the period is calculated from the day of return of the goods to the Seller.

12.10. No refund is made for those goods that were deliberately or negligently damaged (exposed to chemicals, water, open flame, high temperature, sharp objects, etc.), or if the rules for using or storing the product were violated, or the goods were used improperly or not as intended.

12.11. Separate rules for returning goods of improper quality of the Seller may be provided in the warranty documents provided with them. Such rules for returning goods applied by the Seller apply to the extent that they do not contradict these Terms. In the event of inconsistency between these Terms and the rules applied by the relevant Seller, these Terms shall prevail.

13. Umtausch und Rückgabe von Waren im Falle der Lieferung falscher Waren

Wenn falsche Waren an den Käufer geliefert wurden, muss der Käufer Get4U.eu unverzüglich, spätestens jedoch innerhalb von 7 (sieben) Werktagen, per E-Mail an info@get4u.eu informieren. Nach Erhalt der Information über die Lieferung falscher Waren informiert Get4U.eu den Verkäufer, der sich auf eigene Kosten verpflichtet, diese Waren abzuholen und durch die richtigen Waren zu ersetzen. Wenn der Verkäufer nicht über die bestellte Ware verfügt, erstattet er dem Käufer das gezahlte Geld zurück. Die Rückerstattung an den Käufer erfolgt unverzüglich, spätestens jedoch innerhalb von 5 Werktagen, nachdem der Verkäufer die Mitteilung des Käufers über den Erhalt falscher Waren erhalten hat, und wenn die Waren vom Käufer nicht innerhalb der in dieser Klausel vorgesehenen Fristen an den Verkäufer zurückgegeben wurden, beginnt die Frist mit dem Tag der Rückgabe der Waren an den Verkäufer.

14. Allgemeine Regeln für die Rückgabe von Waren und Geld

14.1. A Buyer wishing to withdraw from the concluded sales contract or wishing to return the goods (regardless of the reason for return) may notify the Seller directly by filling out the appropriate form here, using their Account, by email at info@get4u.eu, or by delivering the goods directly to the Seller.

14.2. All gifts provided with the purchased goods must be returned simultaneously with the return of the goods purchased by the Buyer, except when the return of the purchased goods is due to defects in their quality, and the gifts provided with them by their nature were used within the period from the date of purchase until the date of detection of defects in these goods, or their expiration date has expired.

14.3. When returning goods, the Buyer must specify the sender’s address and properly package the goods so that they are not damaged during shipment. The goods are considered properly packaged only if they are inserted into additional outer packaging (inserted into a box, bag, wrapped in paper, etc.) and this packaging is tightly sealed (e.g., glued). If the returned goods are fragile or easily breakable, they should be additionally protected from impacts by wrapping them in multi-layer paper, cloth, or bubble wrap, then packaging in external parcel packaging (box, bag, paper). The Seller is not responsible for parcels that were sent by the Buyer improperly packaged, with an incorrectly specified address, or if the parcels were lost or damaged during the return to the Seller, except in cases when the return is carried out through Get4U.eu couriers.

14.4. The procedure and conditions for delivering heavy goods to the Seller (for quality assessment, replacement, repair, or return) are agreed upon separately by the Buyer and the Seller through Get4U.eu by phone or by email at info@get4u.eu. The Seller bears all expenses related to the return of poor-quality goods.

14.5. The money for the goods is refunded to the Buyer in the same way as the Buyer paid for the goods at the time of purchase, unless the Buyer and the Seller agree otherwise. The Buyer, in all cases, has the right to demand that the money be refunded to the bank account specified by the Buyer.

14.6. A Buyer wishing to use the additional money-back guarantee specified in clause 11.2 of the Terms must specify the returned goods and the reason for the return.

15. Haftung

15.1. The Buyer is responsible for illegal actions performed on www.get4u.eu.

15.2. A registered Buyer is responsible for the preservation and/or transfer to third parties of their login details. If third parties use the services provided on www.get4u.eu by connecting to www.get4u.eu using the Buyer’s login details, the Seller considers this person the Buyer.

15.3. The Seller is exempt from any liability in cases where losses arise because the Buyer, despite the Seller’s recommendations and their obligations, did not read these Terms, the Privacy Policy, the Terms of Use of www.get4u.eu, although such an opportunity was provided to them.

15.4. If www.get4u.eu provides links to websites of other third parties, www.get4u.eu does not guarantee that the information that can be viewed by clicking on these links (except in cases where the Seller clearly indicates that clicking on a specific link allows you to get acquainted with the properties of the goods offered to the Buyer and other information about the goods) is accurate, comprehensive, and correct. Third parties are responsible for the content of the information provided, its accuracy, completeness, and correctness. Get4U.eu is not required to check the transmitted or stored information or correct unlawful actions.

15.5. Get4U.eu is not responsible for the proper fulfillment of mutual obligations of the Buyer and the Seller, whose goods or services the Buyer ordered on www.get4u.eu.

16. Marketing-Tools, die auf www.get4u.eu verwendet werden

16.1. The Seller, at its discretion, may initiate various promotions or games on www.get4u.eu.

16.2. During certain promotions, www.get4u.eu may provide Buyers with its virtual money – Get4U Credits, which can be used to pay for goods purchased on www.get4u.eu and sold by Get4U.eu. Payment with Get4U Credits for goods sold by other Sellers is possible if such an opportunity is provided on the www.get4u.eu website for a specific product sold by the Seller. Detailed information related to obtaining Get4U Credits, conditions, and the procedure for their use in paying for goods is provided here.

16.3. If the Buyer purchases a product, the purchase of which www.get4u.eu additionally provides a certain amount of Get4U Credits for the next purchase, and the Buyer used the right to withdraw from the sales contract provided for in the Terms, the amount of Get4U Credits provided to the Buyer on the above conditions is canceled.

16.4. If the Buyer has used a certain amount of Get4U Credits to pay for the goods when purchasing the goods and used the right to withdraw from the sales contract provided for in the Terms, the amount of Get4U Credits spent is refunded to the Buyer. The Buyer can check the information on the refunded amount of Get4U Credits in the “My Account” section.

16.5. Get4U.eu has the right unilaterally, without separate notice, to change the conditions of promotions or games and also to cancel them. Get4U.eu also has the right unilaterally, without separate notice, to change the conditions and procedure for obtaining Get4U Credits, their use when paying for goods, and also to cancel them. Any changes to the conditions of promotions, the procedure for obtaining and using Get4U Credits, or their cancellation are effective from the moment the changes (cancellation) are made.

17. Austausch von Informationen

17.1. All communication related to the purchase of goods using www.get4u.eu, regardless of the Seller of the goods, is carried out through www.get4u.eu, using the contacts specified on the website www.get4u.eu. If the Buyer and the Seller communicate about the goods by means other than through www.get4u.eu, Get4U.eu assumes no responsibility or risk that may arise as a result of such communication.

17.2. www.get4u.eu, in the manner provided by these Terms, the Terms of Use of www.get4u.eu, and the Privacy Policy, sends all notifications to the email address specified by the Buyer during registration or when ordering goods or by SMS to the phone number specified by them.

18. Schlussbestimmungen

18.1. These Terms are drawn up in accordance with the legal acts of the Republic of Estonia.

18.2. The laws of the Republic of Estonia apply to the relations arising based on these Terms.

18.3. All disputes arising as a result of the execution of these Terms shall be resolved through negotiations. In the event of failure to reach an agreement, disputes are resolved in the manner provided by the legislation of the Republic of Estonia.

18.4. If the Buyer does not agree with the response prepared by the Seller and transmitted through www.get4u.eu to the Buyer’s written claim, the Buyer may submit their application/complaint regarding the product purchased from the Seller on www.get4u.eu to the Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority (Endla 10A, 10122 Tallinn, phone 620 1707, email info@ttja.ee) or fill out the application form on the ODR platform (online dispute resolution): https://ec.europa.eu/odr.